BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

Display Abstracts | Brief :: Order by Meeting | First Author Name
1. D'Alessandro L, Felice B, Montemurro F, Medico E
Meta-analysis of multiple microarray datasets reveals a novel genomic signature associated to invasive growth of epithelial cells and early breast cancer metastasis.
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
2. Marangoni R
Simulating genes families
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
3. Carrara GE, Stella A, Pinciroli F, Alcalay M, Masseroli M
Automatic extraction of gene annotations from data-rich HTML pages
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
4. Cappadona S, Diestellhorst L, Kemp G, Cerutti S
Analysis of β-helix proteins using the STACK toolkit
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
5. Ferraro E, Ausiello G, Panni S, Cesareni G, Helmer-Citterich M
Definition of a neural strategy for the prediction of protein interaction specificity
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
6. Bansal M, Di Bernardo D
Inferring gene regulatory networks from time expression profiles
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
7. Malerba G, Trabetti E, Sandri M, Xumerle L, Cavallari U, Galavotti R, Biscuola M, Patuzzo C, Pignatti PF
Single and multilocus analyses for the identification of at risk genotypes in cardiovascular disease
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
8. Di Bernardo D, Gardner TS, Collins JJ
Drug Target Identification from Inferred Gene Networks: a computational and experimental approach
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Unspecified
9. Amici R, Bartocci E, Merelli E
A virtual laboratory for simulating metabolic pathways
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
10. Puntervoll P, Linding R, Gemund C, Chabanis-Davidson S, Mattingsdal M, Cameron S, Martin DMA, Ausiello G, Brannetti B, Costantini A, Zanzoni A, Maselli V, Via A, Cesareni G, Diella F, Superti-Furga G, Wyrwicz L, Ramu C, McGuigan C, Gudavalli R, Letunic I, Bork P, Rychlewski L, Kuster B, Helmer-Citterich M, Hunter WN, Aasland R, Gibson TJ
Eukaryotic Linear Motifs in the ELM Web Tool
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Unspecified
11. Ceroni A, Frasconi P
Using Constraints on Beta Partners to Reconstruct Mainly Beta Proteins
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
12. Di Dato V, Di Lauro R, Chiusano ML
Comparative genomics to identify regulatory regions: an example from the PAX8 gene
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Unspecified
13. Capriotti E, Fariselli P, Rossi I, Casadio R
Improving the Detection of Protein Remote Homologues Using Shannon Entropy Information
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Unspecified
14. Muselli M, Ruffino F, Valentini G
An Artificial Model for Validating Gene Selection Methods
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Unspecified
15. Menozzi G, Riva L, Sironi M, Pozzoli U
Intron and exon lengths influence on splicing
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
16. Riva L, Menozzi G, Sironi M, Cerutti S, Pozzoli U
A Wavelet Based Method to Predict Nucleosome Positions
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
17. Galfrè S, Morandin F, Cozza A, Pellegrini S, Marangoni R
A method to improve microarray-based identification of SNPs
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
18. Pozzoli U, Menozzi G, Riva L, Sironi M
COBITIS: COmputational BIology Tools Interoperability Schema
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
19. Ceol A, Montecchi-Palazzi L, Persico M, Gavrila C, Castagnoli L, Cesareni G
The (new) MINT Database.
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
20. Cannata N, Forcato C, Fabbro G, Pasin A, Balen J, Valle G
Searching for discriminating degenerated patterns between two populations of sequences
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
21. Vitulo N, Cestaro A, Vezzi A, Campanaro S, Simonato F, Lauro F, Malacrida G, Simionati B, Cannata N, Bartlett D, Valle G
Development of tools based on UCSC and KEGG for the annotation of the Photobacterium profundum genome
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
22. Attimonelli M, Accetturo M, Scioscia G, Marinelli C, Leo P, Santamaria M, Mona S, Lascaro D, Cascione I, Tommaseo-Ponzetta M
HMDB, the Human Mitochondrial Data Base, a genomic resource supporting population genetics studies and biomedical research on mitochondrial diseases
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
23. Attimonelli M, Accetturo M, Lascaro D
Statistical prediction of pathogenic variant sites in human mitochondrial genomes
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
24. Di Vincenzo L, Grgurina I, Pascarella S
Computational analysis of structural properties of classical and novel non ribosomal aminoacyladenylate forming domains.
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
25. Ceroni A, Frasconi P
On the Role of Long-Range Dependencies in Learning Protein Secondary Structure
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
26. Accardo MC, Giordano E, Riccardo S, Digilio FA, Iazzetti G, Calogero RA, Furia M
RNomics: a computational search for box C/D snoRNA genes in the D.melanogaster genome
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
27. Lazzari B, Milanesi L, Stella A, Caprera A, Bianchi F, Vecchietti A, Pozzi C
ESTree DB: a Tool for Peach Functional Genomics
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
28. Bonizzoni P, Dondi R, Rizzi R, Pesole G
ASPIC: a Novel Method to Predict Alternative Splicing
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
29. Cordero F, Lazzarato F, De Bortoli M, Weisz A, Cicatiello L, Scafoglio C, Basile W, Calogero RA
Putative Estrongen-Responsive Genes database (PERG)
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
30. Di Camillo B, Toffolo G, Cobelli C, Nair KS
Selection of Insulin Regulated Gene Expression Profiles Based on Intensity-Dependent Noise Distribution of Microarray Data
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
31. Barberis M, De Gioia L, Ruzzene M, Sarno S, Coccetti P, Pinna LA, Vanoni M, Alberghina L
The Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor Sic1 of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Is a Functional and Structural Homologous to the Mammalian p27Kip1
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
32. Marabotti A, D'Auria S, Rossi M, Facchiano AM
Modelling the Three-Dimensional Structure of a Sugar Binding Protein from a Thermophilic Organism: Analysis on Stability and Sugar Binding Simulations.
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
33. Sboner A, Barbareschi M, Dell'Anna R, Demichelis F
Large scale TMA experiments: automation and data management
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
34. Eleuteri A, Tagliaferri R, Acernese F, Milano L, De Laurentiis M
Information Geometry for Survival Analysis and Feature Selection
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
35. Cozzini P, Fornabaio M, Mozzarelli A, Spyrakis F, Kellogg GE, Abraham DJ
HIV-1 protease: a good system to evaluate protein-ligand interactions, water role and protonation state, using an empirical approach
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
36. Marra D, Malusa F, Piersigilli F, Manniello MA, Romano P
The CABRI website: integrating biological resources information in the bioinformatics network environment
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
37. Toppo S, Fontana P, Velasco R, Valle G, Tosatto SCE
FOX (FOld eXtractor): A novel protein fold recognition method using iterative PSI-BLAST searches and structural alignments
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
38. Trovato A, Seno F
A new perspective on Analysis of Helix-Helix Packing Preferences in Globular Proteins
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
39. Papaleo E, Vai M, Popolo L, Fantucci P, De Gioia L
Structural models of the catalytic domain of the yeast β-(1,3)-glucan transferase Gas1 by combined threading and secondary structure prediction methods
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
40. Pasa S, Kohn KW, Aladjem MI, Consiglieri C, Cocozza S, Bordo D, Parodi S
In silico model of Molecular Interaction Maps: c-Myc and cell cycle control
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
41. Roasio R, Fu L-M, Botta M, Medico E
MulCom: a novel program for the statistical analysis of genomic data obtained on multiple microarray platforms
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
42. Santarossa G, Roggia L, De Gioia L, Fantucci P
A Molecular Dynamics Study of the DoubleDominant Negative Mutation W809E/T935E in Ras-GEF Complex
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
43. Catalano D, Licciulli F, Grillo G, Liuni S, Pesole G, Saccone C, D'Elia D
MitoNuc: a database of nuclear genes encoding for mitochondrial proteins
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
44. Mutarelli M, Basile W, Cicatiello L, Scafoglio C, Colonna G, Weisz A, Facchiano AM
Comparative analysis with three different microarray platforms of the oestrogenresponsive transcriptome from breast cancer cells
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
45. D'Ursi P, Rovida E, Merati G, Biguzzi E, Caprera A, Milanesi L, Faioni E
Computational analysis of naturally occurring protein C mutants: electrostatic properties implications.
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
46. Mapelli V, Accardo E, Fantinato S, Sacco E, De Gioia L, Vanoni M
Structure-based hypothesis on active role of RasGEF αG-helix
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
47. Manzoni R, Sacco E, De Gioia L, Vanoni M
Hydrophobic network between AB and HI hairpins suggests a new role for AB hairpin in GEF action mechanism
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
48. Gaiji N, Mazzitello R, Beringhelli T, Fantucci P
Bovine β-lactoglobulin: Interaction studies with Norfloxacin
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
49. Rossi V, Picco R, Vacca M, D'Urso M, D'Esposito M, Galli T, Filippini F
Novel sequence patterns specific to VAMP subfamilies
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
50. Antoniol G, Ceccarelli M
A Computational Intelligence Approach to Unsupervised Microarray Image Gridding
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
51. Staiano A, Tagliaferri R, De Vinco L, Longo G
Advanced Data Mining Methodology Based on Latent Variable Models
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
52. Fogolari F, Tosatto SCE
Loop predictions using molecular mechanics/Poisson- Boltzmann solvent accessible surface area (MM/PBSA)
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
53. D'Ursi P, Salvi E, Fossa P, Milanesi L, Rovida E
Modelling the interaction of steroid receptors with organic polychlorinated compounds
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
54. D'Agostino N, Aversano M, Chiusano ML
ESTCLASS: a pipeline for EST data analysis using parallel computing
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
55. D'Elia D, Turi A, Catalano D, Licciulli F, Tripoli G, Porcelli D, Saccone C, Caggese C
MitoDrome2: a database of OXPHOS nuclear genes in Drosophila melanogaster, Drosophila pseudoobscura and Anopheles gambiae
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
56. Di Camillo B, Nair KS, Toffolo G, Cobelli C
Identification of gene regulatory modules using entropy and mutual information
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
57. Di Vincenzo L, Grgurina I, Pascarella S
In silico analysis of the adenylation domains of the freestanding enzymes
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
58. Emerson A, Rossi E, Giuliani S
A database infrastructure for microarray data
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
59. Fabbri M, Guffanti A, Cocito A, Furia L, Fallini R, McBlane F
RSSDB: A database of cryptic recombination signal sequences involved in V(D)J recombination.
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
60. Faccioli P, Provero P, Herrmann C, Stanca AM, Terzi V
A co-expression network for gene function characterization in barley
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
61. Falconi M, Chillemi G, Di Marino D, D'Annessa I, Ceruso MA, Morozzo della Rocca B, Desideri A
Molecular dynamics simulation of mitochondrial ADP/ATP carrier in absence and in presence of its natural inhibitor carboxyatractyloside
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
62. Ferrario MG, Chiappori F, Ferrario MG, Gaiji N, Fantucci P
Molecular dynamic study of the ligand binding domain of estrogen receptor alfa and beta
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
63. Ferraro E, Via A, Ausiello G, Helmer-Citterich M
A new neural network approach for the inference of SH3 domains specificity
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
64. Gallimbeni R, Di Marino D, D'Annessa I, Morozzo della Rocca B, Desideri A, Falconi M
Membranome: an active web site
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
65. Greco C, Sacco E, Vanoni M, De Gioia L
Identification and in silico characterization of double histone fold domains in Cca3 and “Similar to Cca3” proteins
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
66. Horner DS, Pirovano W, Pesole G
Using phylogenetic information in the detection of correlated amino acid substitutions
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
67. Kovaleva G, Bazykin G, Brudno M, Gelfand M
Conservation rate of transcription factor binding sites in Saccharomyces genomes
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
68. Lavorgna G, Triunfo R, Santoni F, Orfanelli U, Noci S, Bulfone A, Zanetti G, Casari G
AntiHunter 2.0: increased speed and sensitivity in searching BLAST output for EST antisense transcripts
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
69. Luchini A, Callegaro A, Bicciato S
Analysis of unreplicated time-course microarray experiments
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
70. Burgarella S, Cattaneo D, Pinciroli F, Masseroli M
MicroGen, a Web based system for microarray experiment management
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
71. Ancona N, Maglietta R, D'Addabbo A, Liuni S, Pesole G
Models for cancer classification by gene expression data
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
72. Andersen C, Magnoni L, Roncarati R, Diodato E, Raggiaschi R, Kremer A, Terstappen GC
The Amyloid-beta toxicity core pathway
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
73. Arisi I, Roncaglia P, Cascante M, Cattaneo A
The SYMBIONIC project: coordinating a neuronal cell simulation initiative with ongoing EU-wide Systems Biology programs
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
74. Armano G, Mancosu G, Orro A, Saba M, Vargiu E
MASSP: A hybrid genetic-neural system for predicting protein secondary structure
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
75. Baldacci L, Capozzi F, Golfarelli M, Lumini A, Rizzi S, Turano M
Protein classification by surface analysis
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
76. Berardi M, Attimonelli M, Cascione I, Santamaria M, Accetturo M, Lascaro D, Berardi M, Ceci M, Loglisci C, Malerba D
A data mining approach to retrieve mitochondrial variability data associated to clinical phenotypes
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
77. Berardi M, Malerba D, Marinelli C, Leo P, Loglisci C, Scioscia G
A text-mining application able to mine association rules from biomedical texts
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
78. Bilardi A, Campagna D, Campanaro S, Cestaro A, Levorin F, Vitulo N, Vezzi A, Valle G, Cannata N
Quest for rho dependent terminators in prokaryotic genomes
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
79. Ciccarelli FD, Von Mering C, Suyama M, Harrington ED, Izaurralde E, Bork P
Formation and evolution of primate-specific gene functions
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
80. Callegaro A, Spinelli R, Battaglia C, Caristina L, Cenzuales S, Beltrame L, Bicciato S
Novel algorithm for automated genotyping of real time data
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
81. Campagna D, Romualdi C, Vitulo N, Favero M, Lexa M, Cannata N, Valle G
RapH and RapD: two indexes designed for de novo identification of repeats in whole
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
82. Caprera A, Lazzari B, Vecchietti A, Stella A, Milanesi L, Pozzi C
The ESTree db as an engine for peach EST related information retrieval
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
83. Casadio R, Fariselli P, Martelli PL
How many membrane proteins in the Human Genome?
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
84. Castrignanò T, Talamo IG, Grillo G, Licciulli F, Gisel A, Liuni S, Mignone F, Pesole G
CSTgrid: a high performance environment for searching "Conserved Sequence Tags"
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
85. Catalano D, Licciulli F, Turi A, Grillo G, D'Elia D
MitoRes: a bio-sequences resource of nuclearly encoded mitochondrial genes and products in metazoa
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified
86. Chiappori F, Ferrario MG, Gaiji N, Fantucci P
Docking of estrogen and genistein like molecular library on Estrogen Receptor alpha and beta
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Unspecified

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