BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

1. Marabotti A, D'Auria S, Rossi M, Facchiano AM
Modelling the Three-Dimensional Structure of a Sugar Binding Protein from a Thermophilic Organism: Analysis on Stability and Sugar Binding Simulations.
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Unspecified

Abstract: The characterization of proteins from thermophilic organisms is becoming more and more interesting for possible biotechnological applications. Recently, the complete genome of a hyper-thermophilic archaebacterium, P. horikoshii, was sequenced [1] and a sugar binding protein (Ph-SBP) was identified by means of analysis of its sequence similarity. Some preliminary experimental information are available on its binding properties and on its structural features; however, the lack of information about its 3D structure impairs the complete knowledge of its conformational properties and interactions with its ligands. Here, we present the results of the homology modelling strategy we used to predict the 3D structure of Ph-SBP, and the analysis we made on the resulting model in order to assess its reliability, with particular care to its expected thermostability features and sugar binding properties.

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