IBWS: IST Bioinformatics Web Services
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Nota bene: this service is currently not available









Links for IBWS

IBWS is available through a portal that is based on a Tomcat/Axis implementation at the following URL: http://bioinformatics.hsanmartino.it:8090/axis/services.

IBWS includes services provided in connection with the following systems:

The following systems are of interest for IBWS:

  • SoapLab: a tool for the generation and deployment of Web Services in a simplified environment, first developed by Martin Senger at EBI and now available as open source (see also the SoapLab site at EBI).
  • Taverna Workbench: a standalone workflow management system for Life Sciences applications
  • BioCatalogue: a curated catalogue of Life Science Web Services
  • myExperiment: a repository of workflows making easy to find, use and share scientific workflows

IBWS has been made possible also by the support from:

Welcome Description Documentation Availability Download Contacts Links Portal
Webmaster: Paolo Romano; Last update: January 28, 2020.