name |
The name of the token (if used on its own)
or of the token table to be read (if used with 'code').
The name can also be given in a different way with 'field'.
code |
The code in the token table specified by 'name'.
field |
The field to get the token table and code from. If a field
is given instead of a name then the tableToken may be used
from the field object if the view is a table view.
fieldTokenType |
table list |
IF, and only IF, a field is defined instead of a token
table and code, a tokentype can also be specified. This
specifies whether the tableToken is retrieved ('table'),
which is tthe default, or the list token is retrieved ('list').
wholeEntry |
y n |
Specify 1 to retrieve the whole entry, instead of a named
format |
fasta |
This tag specifies a SEQUENCE type loader attribute.
The format in which the sequence is to be printed.
Select from the predefined sequence formats.
link |
This tag specifies COMPOSITION or FOREIGN type
loader attributes. See 'loader' for a further COMPOSITION tag.
The databank to be linked.
loader |
This tag specifies a COMPOSITION type loader attribute.
The loader to be used.
If not specified, the default loader will be chosen.
value |
This tag specifies a COMPUTED type loader attributes.
An expression for the attribute value.
lib |
Library from which the token or the token table is to be read.
Usually associated with a loader ('loader') for that library.
group |
Library group from which the token or the token table
is to be read.