Icarus Class: Library
Top level object of the databank (library) description, i.e. all information about that library.
name Attribute may stay unnamed in attribute list.Attribute value must be specified.
  The name of the library. This may not contain spaces or special characters since library names are used from the command line. A more user friendly name can be specified using the printName attribute; this specifies the name that will be displayed on the web interface instead of the real library name.
  This is for the print name for library. This can be used to specify the name of the library in most places on the web interface.
  Name of the library on the top page - instead of the real name or printName.
group LibGroup  
  Library group to which this library belongs.
parent Library  
  The parent library of a subentry library. If a library is a subentry library then this attribute must be specified.
format LibFormat Attribute value must be specified.
  This mandatory attribute describes the format of the fields and entries within the library. It also provides some additional formatting information.
dirName Attribute is multivalued (list). Lists  
  Name of the directory which contain the library flat files.
  One line comment describing the library.
links Attribute is multivalued (list). Link  
  A list of links between this and other libraries. Links are bi-directional and should NOT be multiply defined, so the link from SWISSPROT to SWISSNEW should be defined in only one library.
  Name of the library definition .i file (if not named 'databank-name'.i). This file should contain the Library definition object along with other required object definitions.
  Name of the resource object definition (.it) file, if not named 'databank-name'.it. The .it file contains a Resource object definition which is used to display information about the library on the library information page. The resource object is also used by srscheck and prismacheck.
maxNameLen  Attribute has a default value. 20
  Maximum length of unique entry name - important for ID-index.
files Attribute is multivalued (list). LibFile  
  A list of pointers to file descriptions.
dataSource  Attribute has a default value. flatfile
  Use one of the following values. flatfile xml rdb
  The data source of the library - flatfile, xml or rdb.
libHub RdbLibHub  
  The structure of a library stored in a relational database, i.e. the tables that comprise an entry in the library.
type  Attribute has a default value. system
  Use one of the following values. system user hidden restrictedAccess userRestrictedAccess memberVirtual
  The type of the library. The type can be one of:
system - normal library without restrictions
user - application or user-defined libraries
hidden - for system libraries not visible on the top page (i.e. SRS documentation libraries)
restrictedAccess - restricted system libraries by user
userRestrictedAccess - restrictedAccess user libraries
memberVirtual - not shown on top page
  Required by XML databanks, represents the type of the XML element corresponding to the XML library entry.
xmlSubentryPolicy  Attribute has a default value. ignore
  Use one of the following values. ignore include makeNew
  Indicates the policy to follow in case of nested subentries having the same tag.
xmlSubentryLoadingNode  Attribute has a default value. root
  Use one of the following values. root current
  Indicates where to start for loading subentry data.
  Name of the directory with the SRS library indices.
partN  Attribute has a default value. 1
  Number of parts into which indexing of the databank should be split for parallelization. This is in contrast to 'partFiles'.
partFiles  Attribute has a default value. no
  Use one of the following values. no yes
  Single flat files are to be indexed as separate parts for later merging.
subEntries Attribute is multivalued (list). Library  
  List of all libraries that represent subentry types.
parallelType  Attribute has a default value. none
  Use one of the following values. none entry files chunk chunkSize filesSize
  Type of parallel indexing to be performed. none - no parallel indexing
entry - single entry per file
files - multiple files each with multiple entries
chunk - split one large file into sections
chunkSize - split one large file into sections not larger than partSizeKb
fileSize - multiple files, with files larger than partSizeKb split into chunks
  The number of entries per block to compress.
partSizeKb  Attribute has a default value. 2000000
  Size in Kb of the largest databank chunk to be indexed separately for later merging.
defaultView View  
  Default view for displaying entry lists in SRSWWW.
defaultEntryView View  
  Default view for displaying a single entry on the web.
  Use one of the following values. side top
  This attribute of the library helps to specify the position of the side bar in the case of looking at a complete text entry of the library. It is not used where a view is spcified.
entryViews Attribute is multivalued (list). View  
  A list of entry views for the library. These will appear in the "under bar" of a single entry page.
defaultLoader LoadClass  
  The default loader for the library.
virtualInfo LibVirtual  
  If a virtualInfo object is defined for a library then the library is said to be a virtual library. The virtual info object contains the information about the virtual library - such as the list of libraries comprising it and queries to further define the virtual library.
resource Resource  
  Object containing resource information about the library. The Resource object is used to display information on the databank information page and also for srscheck and prismacheck. This object is compiled from the .it file and added to the library during srssection, hence this should remain undefined by the user here, but defined in the appropriate .it file.
res Resource  
  Object containing resource information about the library. The Resource object is used to display information on the databank information page and also for srscheck and prismacheck.
  Required if using '-completed' flag of srscheck.
  Number of extra files required to trigger re-indexing for file per entry libraries, or 0.
searchName Attribute is multivalued (list). Lists  
  A list of file search strings to override the default values specified for the library format (if any). If specified, there should be as many entries as there are file types defined for the library format.
updatableIndices  Attribute has a default value. no
  Use one of the following values. no yes
  Use incremental indices for this library.
showIndexInfo  Attribute has a default value. yes
  Use one of the following values. no yes
  Show index information related to the indices on the web databank info page. Also allow indices to be browsed. If set to no then it will not be possible to browse the indices on the web page.
addEntries  Attribute has a default value. n
  Use one of the following values. n y
  Indicates whether or not entries can be added to the library. This option is used for the UserDNA and UserProtein databases which are part of the SRS web interface.
loaderCache Attribute is multivalued (list). LoadClass  
  A list of loaders which are loaded at index time and cached to disk for very fast loading. This is extremely disk space intensive and should only be used when large sets are needed to be loaded in mission critical situations.
  If it is possible to add entries to the library (i.e. the addEntries attribute is 'y') then the entry is added to the library using an SRS application. This attribute is the name of the application to use.
  If the databank has a logo or associated image the name of the file (which should be a GIF image placed in the $SRSWWW/images directory) will be shown on the Entry page of the web server.
  Specifies a field which the library is sorted on by default.
Implicit Methods
on deletion: cleanup.
Retrieves the names of the fields in the library.
Returns a value StrList
Returns the complete path of the flat file.
file FileDes Argument may stayunnamed in argument list. 
The flat file whose path should be retrieved.
Returns a value
Returns for each file descriptor a list of flat file descriptors with the names of the flat files of which the data bank is composed.
fromIndex Argument has a default value.
Use one of the following values. y n
The list of flat files names can be obtained from the information stored in the index, or by searching files according to information like search name and directory names.
Returns a value
Returns the index object for a field.
fieldName Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument must be specified. 
Name of the field for which to get the index.
Returns a value Index
Retrieves extensive information about a library
option Argument may stayunnamed in argument list. 
Reserved for future use.
Returns a value LibInfo
Returns the library location object that points to the library.
Returns a value LibLoc
Return the printName of the library. If there is no printName defined the name of the library is returned.
Returns a value
Returns a list of the schema objects for a relational library.
Returns a value RdbSchema
Returns the index object for a field
fieldName Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument must be specified. 
Name of the field for which to get the index.
Returns a value Index
Returns the sorted set of the field index.
fieldName Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument must be specified. 
Name of the field for which to get the index.
sortToken Argument must be specified. 
off Argument has a default value.
Use one of the following values. y n
Returns a value Set
Returns a list of strings - the names of the token tables for the library.
Returns a value StrList
Return the topPageName of the library. If there is no topPageName defined the printName, or the name of the library is returned.
Returns a value
Tests if specified characteristic is true for library.
option Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument must be specified. 
Use one of the following values. user subEntries active offline fidel hidden virtual rdb xml
The characteristic to be tested.
Returns a value
Return the name of the library.
Returns a value
Sets library to the specified characteristic. Currently only two options are availabe - online and offline which speicify whether to query the online or offline indices and data.
option Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument must be specified. 
Use one of the following values. offline online
The options - online or offline.