Icarus Class: Set
A set is the result of a query and contains entry-IDs that can be used access the database entries found by the query.
  Name of the set.
  Optional comment to describe the query.
  Query string used.
  Time when the query was performed.
  Flag signals if the set is from the offline indices
Implicit Methods
on deletion: cleanup.
with foreach: iterates over all entries in the set.Returns a value Entry
op2 Set Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument must be specified. 
Returns a value Set
op2 Set Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument must be specified. 
Returns a value Set
Returns the nth entry in the set.
n Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument has a default value.
The number of the entry in the set to get.
Returns a value Entry
Returns the name of the num-th library in the set
num Argument may stayunnamed in argument list. 
The number library in the set to return the name of. A set may contain entries from several databases.
Returns a value
Returns the name of the num-th library in the set.
n Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument has a default value.
The number library to return the name of.
Returns a value
Returns a loader for the set. The set must be formed through a link query and linking should be done only between two databases. Check for empty before using.
The name of the generated loader. If unspecified, it is (fromLib)_link_loader
an association list of the form libname:{libfield1 libfield2} with additional fieds to be added to the loader.
an string of the form libname1:libfield1 libname1:libfield2 libname2:libfield3 with additional fieds from specific libraries to be added to the loader.
multiStep Argument has a default value.
Use one of the following values. n y
if attributes along the path should be added too.
Returns a value
Returns the nam e of the set
Returns a value
Returns the number of libraries represented in the set.
Returns a value
Returns the number of libraries represented in the set
Returns a value
op2 Set Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument must be specified. 
Returns a value Set
Returns the number of entries in the set.
Returns a value
This method allows for sorting of the result set by field.
fieldName Argument may stayunnamed in argument list. 
direction Argument has a default value. up 
Use one of the following values. up down
Returns a value Set