Icarus Class: Entry
The entry gives access to the actual data of a library.
Implicit Methods
on deletion: cleanup
Deprecated! Don't use.
Get data for this entry.
dtName Argument may stayunnamed in argument list. 
Name of the class of the object of requested data type.
Returns a value
Returns the job object opened for entry.
Returns a value Job
Get the sequence for this object. If it is not a sequence databases an undefined (?) is returned.
format Argument may stayunnamed in argument list. 
Format to print the sequence in. Options include "embl", "swiss", "fasta", "plain", "genbank", "pretty", "pir", "gcg". If no format specified, fasta is used.
Use this dbName in the entry name. Default is to use the entry's library name.
Format of the sequence in the flatfile. Options include "embl", "swiss", "genbank" If no input format is specified, embl/swissprot (i.e. the line before the sequence starts begins with SQ and the line after the sequence ends uses "\\"
Returns a value
Returns true if the entry is in the set, otherwise 0.
set Set Argument may stayunnamed in argument list. 
The set to check in.
Returns a value
Returns the actual library object of the library the entry is from.
Returns a value Library
Returns the library name the entry is from.
Returns a value
Link the entry to a library and return the set of linked entries.
to Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument must be specified. 
The name of the library to link to.
Returns a value Set
Creates an Object Loader object from the entry.
loaderName Argument may stayunnamed in argument list.Argument must be specified. 
The name of the loader to use. The loader specifies the object returned and where the attributes of that object come from.
Returns a value
The name (ID) of the entry
Returns a value
Returns a value
Returns parent library if the entry is a subentry.
Returns a value Library
Return the entry as a string. If no tokenList or field is specified then the whole entry is returned.
tl Argument may stayunnamed in argument list. 
A token list can be specified to retrieve.
Alternatively a field can be specified and a string for that field is retrieved.
The format to use if there are formats available.
type Argument has a default value. table 
sep Argument has a default value.  
The seperator to use if there a mulitple values.
useStream Argument has a default value.
Use one of the following values. y n
Specifies whether the method should print to a stream already opened.
Returns a value
Returns specified token list from entry.
name Argument may stayunnamed in argument list. 
The token to return.
The field to get.
type Argument has a default value. table 
parent Argument has a default value.
Use one of the following values. n y
If y, then the field or token is taken from the parent library.
Returns a value TokList