Icarus Class: ObjIndexMetaphor
Contains all the information required to index the contents of an XML element and its accompanying attributes.
className Attribute may stay unnamed in attribute list.Attribute value must be specified.
  The name of the XML element for which this indexing metaphor has been written.
nameSpace Attribute is multivalued (list). Library Attribute value must be specified.
  To avoid conflicts among equal class names, we use the library as a namespace for the metaphor. This attribute is a list, so a single metaphor can be used to index multiple libraries.
  An optional attribute that can be used to uniquely identify the element to be indexed based on a list of names of ancestor elements separated by "/". The wildcard character "*" may be used to specify all elements which are children of the preceding parent element, e.g. path:"elem1/*/elem3".
subentry Attribute is multivalued (list). Library  
  Used to indicate that this element is the start tag for the subentry library specified as the value.
indexField Attribute is multivalued (list). SrsField  
  Specifies the library field(s) into which the element's contents will be indexed. In the case of "conditional" indexing, this attribute specifies a list of eligible fields into which the content of the element may be indexed. In this case, the data for any given element may only be indexed into ONE of the eligible fields.
ofSubentry Attribute is multivalued (list). Library  
  Used to indicate that this element belongs to the specified subentry library. For the data to be indexed correctly, the ancestor element that delimits the subentry library must have the correct 'subentry' attribute (e.g. subentry:).
  An optional attribute used to specify a regular expression containing a set of characters used to split the content of the element into substrings which are indexed separately.
syntax Syntax  
  Used to specify an Icarus syntax file containing parser productions to be used for "micro-parsing" the content of the element.
  If a valid "syntax" attribute is provided, this attribute specifies the name of the parser production in the syntax file to be used for "micro-parsing" the content of the element.
conditionField Field  
  If valid "syntax" and "conditionToken" attributes are provided, this attribute specifies a field that is used to conditionally index the content of the element into one of the eligible target fields specified in the 'indexField' attribute list. The 'loadPath' attribute of the condition field identifies the element or attribute whose content will be passed to the parser production that determines which target field will receive the data to be indexed.
  If valid "syntax" and "conditionField" attributes are provided, this attribute specifies the name of the parser production in the syntax file to be used for "conditionally indexing" the content of the element.
attrMetaphors Attribute is multivalued (list). AttrIndexMetaphor  
  A collection of metaphors used to index the contents of the XML attributes of this element.