BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

Display Abstracts | Brief :: Order by Meeting | First Author Name
1. Facchiano AM, Ammirato G, Chiusano ML, Gallo T, Colonna G
A service for protein and nucleic acid analysis at the CRISCEB web site
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2000 - Year: 2000
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Services
2. Liuni S, Attimonelli M, Pesole G, Lanave C, Grillo G, Licciulli F, D'Elia D, Catalano D, Saccone C
European Molecular Biology Network (EMBnet): Nodo Nazionale Italiano
Meeting: BIOCOMP 2000 - Year: 2000
Abstract | Full text in a new tab
Topic: Services

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