Continuous culture, grown as monolayer
epithelial-like morphology
SPECIES: human, Black (female, 31 years old) Karyology: aneuploid
TUMOR: carcinoma, epitheloid
tumorigenic in nude mice
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 3 * arbovirus * Coxsackie * echovirus * measles * poliovirus 1 * reovirus 3 * respiratory syncytial virus * rhinovirus * vaccinia
PROPERTIES: antitumour testing; transformation; tumorigenicity; cytotoxicity; cell biology; bacterial invasiveness; virology
Available in the following LABORATORY:
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 2, IZSBS: BS TCL20, ECACC: 93021013, DSMZ: ACC 57, ICLC: HTL95023
Bibliographic references:
- Cancer Res 1952;12:264
- J Exp Med 1953;97:695
- J Gen Virol 1983;64:825 - PMID: 6834007
- J Virol 1978;28:444 - PMID: 214572
- Obstet Gynecol 1971;38:945-949 - PMID: 4942173
SPECIES: human, Black
TUMOR: carcinoma, epitheloid
DSMZ catalog code: ACC 57
Morphology: epithelial-like cells growing in monolayers
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 3 * arbovirus * Coxsackie * echovirus * measles * poliovirus 1 * reovirus 3 * respiratory syncytial virus * rhinovirus * vaccinia
Description: human cervix carcinoma established from the epitheloid cervix carcinoma of a 31-year-old black woman in 1951; later diagnosis changed to adenocarcinoma; first aneuploid, continuously cultured human cell line confirmed as human with IEF of G6PD, MDH, NP
Viruses: ELISA: reverse transcriptase negative; PCR: EBV-, HBV-, HCV-, HHV-8-, HIV-, HTLV-I/II-
Depositor: obtained from ATCC (CCL 2), Rockville, Maryland, USA
General Restrictions
Available in the following LABORATORY:
German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ, Braunschweig)
90% MEM (with Earle's salts) + 10% FBS + 2 mM L-glutamine + non-essential amino acids (cells also grow well in 90-95% RPMI 1640 + 5-10% FBS) split confluent culture 1:4 to 1:6 every 3-5 days using trypsin/EDTA; cells reach confluence quickly; seed out at ca. 1-2 x 106 cells/80 cm 2 at 37C with 5% CO2 cell harvest of ca. 8-15 x 106 cells/80 cm 2;
doubling time of ca. 48 hours;
frozen with 70% medium, 20% FBS, 10% DMSO at about 2 x 106 cells/ampoule;
negative in DAPI, microbiological culture, RNA hybridization, PCR assays;
Validated by: DNA fingerprinting (unique Hinf I-(gtg)5 DNA profile) * immunological analysis (cytokeratin+ desmin- endothel- GFAP- neurofilament- vimentin+) * isoenzymes (confirmed as human with IEF of GPDH, MDH, NP) * reverse transcriptase (reverse trancriptase not detected)
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 2, IZSBS: BS TCL20, ECACC: 93021013, ICLC: HTL95023
Bibliographic references:
- Cancer Res 1952;12:264
- J Exp Med 1953;97:695
- J Gen Virol 1983;64:825 - PMID: 6834007
- J Virol 1978;28:444 - PMID: 214572
- Obstet Gynecol 1971;38:945-949 - PMID: 4942173
SPECIES: human, Black
TUMOR: carcinoma, epitheloid
ECACC catalog code: 93021013
Morphology: Epithelial
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 3 * arbovirus * Coxsackie * echovirus * measles * poliovirus 1 * reovirus 3 * respiratory syncytial virus * rhinovirus * vaccinia
Description: Human Negroid cervix epitheloid carcinoma
Viruses: See Properties
Depositor: Obtained from ATCC, USA
No restrictions. Patent: None Specified By Depositor
Properties: Applications: Virus studies
Available in the following LABORATORY:
Part of the Business Division of the Health Protection Agency (ECACC, Salisbury, Wiltshire)
EMEM (EBSS) + 2mM Glutamine + 1% Non Essential Amino Acids (NEAA) + 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). Split confluent cultures 1:3 to 1:10 i.e. seeding at 1.3x10,000 cells/cm2 using 0.25% trypsin/EDTA; 5% CO2; 37C.
Passages: 9;
Karyotype: 2n = 46, aneuploid
Derived from a cervical carcinoma from a 31 year old Negro. This was the first aneuploid line derived from human tissue maintained in continuous cell culture. Susceptible to Poliovirus type I and adenovirus type 3. Identified as a contaminant in many other cell lines. The cells should be handled under laboratory containment level 2.
Research council deposit: No;
Price Code: A;
Validated by: isoenzymes (species confirmation)
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 2, IZSBS: BS TCL20, DSMZ: ACC 57, ICLC: HTL95023
Bibliographic references:
- Cancer Res 1952;12:264
- J Exp Med 1953;97:695
- J Gen Virol 1983;64:825 - PMID: 6834007
- J Virol 1978;28:444 - PMID: 214572
- Obstet Gynecol 1971;38:945-949 - PMID: 4942173
ICLC catalog code: HTL95023
Continuous culture, grown as monolayer
epithelial-like morphology
SPECIES: human, Black (female, 31 years old) Karyology: aneuploid
TUMOR: carcinoma, epitheloid
tumorigenic in nude mice
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 3 * arbovirus * Coxsackie * echovirus * measles * poliovirus 1 * reovirus 3 * respiratory syncytial virus * rhinovirus * vaccinia
DEPOSITOR: Obtained from ECACC
Cell line available for distribution. For non-commercial investigative use only
PROPERTIES: antitumour testing; transformation; tumorigenicity; cytotoxicity; bacterial invasiveness; virology
Available in the following LABORATORY:
IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino (ICLC, Genova)
MEM (EBSS) + 10% FBS + 2mM L-Glutamine + 1% non-essential amino acids; Freezing medium: Culture medium + 50% FBS + 10% DMSO; Split confluent cultures 1:5-1:10 using trypsin/EDTA; seed at 1-3x104 cells/cm2; 37C, 5% CO2 , mycoplasma negative, HOECHST and PCR
Validated by: isoenzymes (confirmed as human with AST, G6PD, MD)
Availability in cell line catalogues: IZSBS: BS TCL20, ECACC: 93021013, DSMZ: ACC 57
Bibliographic references:
- Cancer Res 1952;12:264
- J Exp Med 1953;97:695
- Obstet Gynecol 1971;38:945-949 - PMID: 4942173
IZSBS catalog code: BS TCL20
Continuous culture, grown as monolayer
epithelial-like morphology
SPECIES: human, Black (female, 31 years old) Karyology: aneuploid
TUMOR: carcinoma, epitheloid
tumorigenic in nude mice
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 3 * arbovirus * Coxsackie * echovirus * measles * poliovirus 1 * reovirus 3 * respiratory syncytial virus * rhinovirus * vaccinia
PROPERTIES: antitumour testing; transformation; tumorigenicity; cytotoxicity; cell biology; bacterial invasiveness; virology
Available in the following LABORATORY:
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 2, ECACC: 93021013, DSMZ: ACC 57, ICLC: HTL95023
Continuous culture, grown as monolayer
epithelial-like morphology
SPECIES: human, Black (female, 31 years old) Karyology: aneuploid
TUMOR: carcinoma, epitheloid
tumorigenic in nude mice
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 3 * arbovirus * Coxsackie * echovirus * measles * poliovirus 1 * reovirus 3 * respiratory syncytial virus * rhinovirus * vaccinia
PROPERTIES: antitumour testing; transformation; tumorigenicity; cytotoxicity; cell biology; bacterial invasiveness; virology
Available in the following LABORATORY:
Boehringer Mannheim Italia S.p.A. (MIEOS, Monza (MI))
MEM (EBSS) + 10% Human serum + 1% non-essential amino acids; Freezing medium: Culture medium + 15% Human serum + 5% Glycerol; 37C, 5% CO2 , mycoplasma negative
Validated by: isoenzymes
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 2, IZSBS: BS TCL20, ECACC: 93021013, DSMZ: ACC 57, ICLC: HTL95023
Bibliographic references:
- Cancer Res 1952;12:264
- J Exp Med 1953;97:695
- J Gen Virol 1983;64:825 - PMID: 6834007
- J Virol 1978;28:444 - PMID: 214572
- Obstet Gynecol 1971;38:945-949 - PMID: 4942173
Monoclonal continuous culture, grown as monolayer
epithelial-like morphology
SPECIES: human, Black (female, 31 years old) Karyology: aneuploid
TUMOR: carcinoma, epitheloid
tumorigenic in nude mice
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 3 * arbovirus * Coxsackie * echovirus * measles * poliovirus 1 * reovirus 3 * respiratory syncytial virus * rhinovirus * vaccinia
PROPERTIES: antitumour testing; transformation; tumorigenicity; cytotoxicity; cell biology; bacterial invasiveness; virology
Available in the following LABORATORY:
ENEA, CRE-Casaccia (RMEBA, Roma)
DMEM + 10% FBS; Freezing medium: Culture medium + 10% DMSO; 37C, 5% CO2, split1-9 , mycoplasma negative
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 2, IZSBS: BS TCL20, ECACC: 93021013, DSMZ: ACC 57, ICLC: HTL95023
Bibliographic references:
- Cancer Res 1952;12:264
- J Exp Med 1953;97:695
- J Gen Virol 1983;64:825 - PMID: 6834007
- J Virol 1978;28:444 - PMID: 214572
- Obstet Gynecol 1971;38:945-949 - PMID: 4942173
For information, get in touch with:
IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
Largo Rosanna Benzi, 10 - I-16132 Genova - Italy
Dott.ssa Paola Visconti
If you want to cite CLDB and HyperCLDB, please use the following reference:
P. Romano, A. Manniello, O. Aresu, M. Armento, M. Cesaro, B. Parodi.
Cell Line Data Base: structure and recent improvements towards molecular authentication of human cell lines.
Nucleic Acids Research 2009 37(Database issue):D925-D932.
DOI: doi:10.1093/nar/gkn730;
PMID: 18927105