SPECIES: monkey, African green
ECACC catalog code: 88020401
Morphology: Fibroblast-like
Description: Monkey African Green kidney
Viruses: See Properties
Depositor: WHO, Geneva, Switzerland
No restrictions. Patent: None Specified By Depositor
Properties: Applications: Vaccine Production
Available in the following LABORATORY:
Part of the Business Division of the Health Protection Agency (ECACC, Salisbury, Wiltshire)
DMEM + 2mM Glutamine + 10% Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS). A full description of the recommended subculture methods and documentation of the cell bank production is provided with the cells.
Passages: 137;
Karyotype: 2n=60
WHO working cell bank of 1,000 ampoules deposited at ECACC. Derived from an original American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) ampoule. Available free of charge to organisations producing vaccines.
Research council deposit: No;
Price Code: B;
Availability in cell line catalogues: IZSBS: BS CL 86, ICLC: ATL95005
ICLC catalog code: ATL95005
Continuous culture, grown as monolayer
fibroblast morphology
SPECIES: monkey, African green (adult) Karyology: modal number 58
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 12 * African swine fever virus * arbovirus * bluetongue virus * bovine leucosis * echovirus * Getah arbovirus * herpes simplex * influenza * orbivirus * orthomixovirus * paramyxovirus * poliovirus 3 * porcine epidemic diarrhea virus * reovirus * rubella
DEPOSITOR: Obtained from ECACC.
Cell line available for distribution. For non-commercial investigative use only
PROPERTIES: indicator line for mycoplasma testing; virology; virus titration; virus replication; plaque assays; bacterial cytotoxicity.
Available in the following LABORATORY:
IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino (ICLC, Genova)
DMEM + 10% FBS + 2mM L-Glutamine; Freezing medium: Culture medium + 50% FBS + 10% DMSO; split confluent cultures 1:5-1:20 using trypsin/EDTA; seed at 1-3x104 cells/cm2. 37C, 5% CO2. , mycoplasma negative, HOECHST and PCR
Validated by: isoenzymes (confirmed as monkey with AST, MD, NP, PepB)
Availability in cell line catalogues: IZSBS: BS CL 86, ECACC: 84113001, ECACC: 88020401
Bibliographic references:
- Kitasato Arc Exp Med 1964;37:27-42 - PMID: 5833688
- Nature 1967;216:271
- Nippon Rinsho 1963;21:1209
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1967;125:602 - PMID: 4961492
IZSBS catalog code: BS CL 86
Continuous culture, grown as monolayer
fibroblast-like morphology
SPECIES: monkey, African green Karyology: 2n = 60 in 50 cells
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 12 * African swine fever virus * arbovirus * bluetongue virus * bovine leucosis * infectious bursal disease virus * orthomixovirus * paramyxovirus * poliovirus 3 * porcine epidemic diarrhea virus * rubella
DEPOSITOR: obtained from ATCC
PROPERTIES: virology
Available in the following LABORATORY:
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 81, ECACC: 84113001, ICLC: ATL95005, ECACC: 88020401
Bibliographic references:
- Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Sec B 1981;89:179
- Am J Vet Res 1980;41:1357 - PMID: 7004279
- Avian Dis 1988;32:298 - PMID: 2840882
- Intervirology 1983;20:181 - PMID: 6654644
- Microbiol Immunol 1979;23:299
- Nippon Rinsho 1963;21:1209
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1967;125:602 - PMID: 4961492
Continuous culture, grown as monolayer
fibroblast morphology
SPECIES: monkey, African green Karyology: modal number 58
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 12 * African swine fever virus * arbovirus * bluetongue virus * bovine leucosis * echovirus * Getah arbovirus * herpes simplex * influenza * orbivirus * orthomixovirus * paramyxovirus * poliovirus 3 * porcine epidemic diarrhea virus * reovirus * rubella
PROPERTIES: virology; virus titration; virus replication; plaque assays; bacterial cytotoxicity
Available in the following LABORATORY:
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 81, IZSBS: BS CL 86, ECACC: 84113001, ICLC: ATL95005, ECACC: 88020401
Bibliographic references:
- Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Sec B 1981;89:179
- Am J Vet Res 1980;41:1357 - PMID: 7004279
- Arch GVS Virusforsch 1969;27:379 - PMID: 4313210
- Avian Dis 1988;32:298 - PMID: 2840882
- Intervirology 1983;20:181 - PMID: 6654644
- J Clin Microbiol 1988;26:234
- Microbiol Immunol 1979;23:229
- Nippon Rinsho 1963;21:1209
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1967;125:602 - PMID: 4961492
Continuous culture, grown as monolayer
fibroblast morphology
SPECIES: monkey, African green Karyology: modal number 58
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 12 * African swine fever virus * arbovirus * bluetongue virus * bovine leucosis * echovirus * Getah arbovirus * herpes simplex * influenza * orbivirus * orthomixovirus * paramyxovirus * poliovirus 3 * porcine epidemic diarrhea virus * reovirus * rubella
PROPERTIES: virology; virus titration; virus replication; plaque assays; bacterial cytotoxicity
Available in the following LABORATORY:
Universita' degli Studi (PRUMB, Parma)
Medium 199 + 5% FBS + 2mM L-Glutamine; Freezing medium: Medium 199 + 10% FBS + 10% DMSO; 37C, 5% CO2 Passage: 135
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 81, IZSBS: BS CL 86, ECACC: 84113001, ICLC: ATL95005, ECACC: 88020401
Bibliographic references:
- Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Sec B 1981;89:179
- Am J Vet Res 1980;41:1357 - PMID: 7004279
- Arch GVS Virusforsch 1969;27:379 - PMID: 4313210
- Avian Dis 1988;32:298 - PMID: 2840882
- Intervirology 1983;20:181 - PMID: 6654644
- J Clin Microbiol 1988;26:234
- Microbiol Immunol 1979;23:229
- Nippon Rinsho 1963;21:1209
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1967;125:602 - PMID: 4961492
Monoclonal continuous culture, grown as monolayer
fibroblast morphology
SPECIES: monkey, African green Karyology: modal number 58
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 12 * African swine fever virus * arbovirus * bluetongue virus * bovine leucosis * echovirus * Getah arbovirus * herpes simplex * influenza * orbivirus * orthomixovirus * paramyxovirus * poliovirus 3 * porcine epidemic diarrhea virus * reovirus * rubella
PROPERTIES: virology; virus titration; virus replication; plaque assays; bacterial cytotoxicity
Available in the following LABORATORY:
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 81, IZSBS: BS CL 86, ECACC: 84113001, ICLC: ATL95005, ECACC: 88020401
Bibliographic references:
- Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Sec B 1981;89:179
- Am J Vet Res 1980;41:1357 - PMID: 7004279
- Arch GVS Virusforsch 1969;27:379 - PMID: 4313210
- Avian Dis 1988;32:298 - PMID: 2840882
- Intervirology 1983;20:181 - PMID: 6654644
- J Clin Microbiol 1988;26:234
- Microbiol Immunol 1979;23:229
- Nippon Rinsho 1963;21:1209
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1967;125:602 - PMID: 4961492
Continuous culture, grown as monolayer
fibroblast morphology
SPECIES: monkey, African green Karyology: modal number 58
Susceptibility to viruses: adenovirus 12 * African swine fever virus * arbovirus * bluetongue virus * bovine leucosis * echovirus * Getah arbovirus * herpes simplex * influenza * orbivirus * orthomixovirus * paramyxovirus * poliovirus 3 * porcine epidemic diarrhea virus * reovirus * rubella
PROPERTIES: virology; virus titration; virus replication; plaque assays; bacterial cytotoxicity
Available in the following LABORATORY:
Availability in cell line catalogues: ATCC: CCL 81, IZSBS: BS CL 86, ECACC: 84113001, ICLC: ATL95005, ECACC: 88020401
Bibliographic references:
- Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand Sec B 1981;89:179
- Am J Vet Res 1980;41:1357 - PMID: 7004279
- Arch GVS Virusforsch 1969;27:379 - PMID: 4313210
- Avian Dis 1988;32:298 - PMID: 2840882
- Intervirology 1983;20:181 - PMID: 6654644
- J Clin Microbiol 1988;26:234
- Microbiol Immunol 1979;23:229
- Nippon Rinsho 1963;21:1209
- Proc Soc Exp Biol Med 1967;125:602 - PMID: 4961492
For information, get in touch with:
IRCCS Ospedale Policlinico San Martino
Largo Rosanna Benzi, 10 - I-16132 Genova - Italy
Dott.ssa Paola Visconti
Email: paola.visconti@hsanmartino.it
If you want to cite CLDB and HyperCLDB, please use the following reference:
P. Romano, A. Manniello, O. Aresu, M. Armento, M. Cesaro, B. Parodi.
Cell Line Data Base: structure and recent improvements towards molecular authentication of human cell lines.
Nucleic Acids Research 2009 37(Database issue):D925-D932.
DOI: doi:10.1093/nar/gkn730;
PMID: 18927105