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  Temporary Project  
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Quick Text Search Search Tips
  Canned query disabled.
In order to enable the canned query, please contact the site SRS administrator to enable at least one of the following libraries; EMBL, GENBANK, SWISSPROT, PDB, MEDLINE, LOCUSLINK, OMIM, PATHWAY.

Sequence Similarity/Homology Search Search Tips
  Canned query disabled.
In order to enable the canned query, please contact the site SRS administrator to enable the following four tools; BLASTP, BLASTX, TBLASTN, BLASTN.

This starts a temporary project in SRS.

The results of any work you do will be stored in this project and are available to you until you close SRS. You can choose to save your results to your desktop, or you can use a permanent project.
Starts a new permanent project in SRS.

The results of any work you do will be stored in this project until you choose to delete them. You can also choose to move your work from one project to another.
This starts a temporary project in SRS and takes you straight to the analysis applications available in SRS. From here you can select the tool of your choice and analyze your own data or data retrieved in SRS.
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