#!/bin/env icarus
# $RCSfile: molprobe.is,v $
# $Revision: 1.1 $
# $Date: 1997/04/02 10:56:53 $
# $Author: srs $
# $Revision: 1.2 - hyperlink to Medline $
# $Date: 31 Mar 1999 $
# $Author: Angelo Facchiano angelo@crisceb.area.na.cnr.it $
# $Revision: 1.3 - internal links to cprimer, primers, probes $
# $Date: 24 Oct 1999 $
# $Author: Paolo Romano paolo@ist.unige.it $
# $Author: Domenico Marra dmarra@ist.unige.it $
Name:name Type:type Sequence:seq ProteinSequence:prs TargetGene:target
Applications:appl Methods:methods Bibliography:bibl EMBL:acc
GeneDescription:gened OligoLocalization:oloc TechNotes:tech
DataSource:datas Polymorphism:polym RecognizedVariants:varians
RecognizedSpecificities:specifs ComplementaryPrimer:cprimer
Primers:primers Probes:probes Species:species
# Tecnical notes
entry: ~ {$In:[file:text] $Out pre $Skip:0}
(/[^\n]+\n/ {$entryFip=$Fip $Wrt}
/[^\n]+\n/+ {$App}
# fields
fields: ~ {$In:entry $Out $Skip:1}
ln {$Wrt:id}
(/([^ ][A-Za-z_\/ ]+):/ {$Wrt:$fn.$1} ln {$App}
(/([^ ][A-Za-z_\/ ]+):/ {$Not} ln {$App})*)+
# indexing
id: ~ {$In:[fields c:id] $Out}
tag /([^\n]*)\n/ {$Wrt:[s:$1]} ~
name: ~ {$In:[fields c:name] $Out}
tag (ln {$Wrt}) ~
type: ~ {$In:[fields c:type] $Out}
tag /([a-z]+)\n/ {$Wrt:$Ct} ~
seq: ~ {$In:[fields c:seq] $Out}
htag? tag htag? /[^A-Z]+/
/[()\/A-Za-z]+/ {$Wrt} ~
seqlen: ~ { $Out $In:[fields c:seq] $Wrt:[s:$l]}
htag? tag htag? /[^A-Z]+/ {$l=0}
# ( /[A-Za-z]/ {$l+=1} | /[\/()]/ )+ ~
( /[A-Za-z]/ {$l.+=1} | /[\/()]/ )+ ~
prs: ~ { $Out $In:[fields c:prs] }
tag /[A-Za-z]+/ {$Wrt} ~
appl: ~ {$Out $In:[fields c:appl] }
tag /[^-]+/ {$Uniq:$Ct.trim}
( '-' /[^-]+/ {$Uniq:$Ct.trim} )* ~
methods: ~ {$Out $In:[fields c:methods] }
tag /[^-]+/ {$Uniq:$Ct.trim}
( '-' /[^-]+/ {$Uniq:$Ct.trim} )* ~
target: ~ {$In:[fields c:target] $Out}
tag /[^\n]*/ {$Uniq:$Ct} ~
species: ~ {$In:[fields c:species] $Out}
tag /[^\n]*/ {$Uniq:$Ct} ~
xWords: ~ {$In:[fields c:{datas gened polym varians
specifs tech bibl oloc}] $Out}
tag (/[*a-zA-Z0-9+-]+/ {$Uniq:$Itc} | /./)* ~
cprimer: ~ {$In:[fields c:cprimer] $Out}
tag /[^,]+/ {$Uniq:$Ct} (/[,;]/ /[^,]+/ {$Uniq:$Ct})* ~
primers: ~ {$In:[fields c:primers] $Out}
tag (/[^,]+/ {$Uniq:$Ct})(/[,;]/ /[^,;]+/ {$Uniq:$Ct})* ~
probes: ~ {$In:[fields c:probes] $Out}
tag (/[^,]+/ {$Uniq:$Ct})(/[,;]/ /[^,;]+/ {$Uniq:$Ct})* ~
# table display
~ { $Out $In:[fields c:{datas gened polym variants
name type target
specifs tech bibl acc oloc} ] }
htag? tag htag? /.*/ { $Wrt:$Itc }
~ { $Out $In:[ t_fields c:acc ] }
/[^\n]+/ {$Wrt}
~ { $Out $In:plain_accXref
pre if:$InCount>1 $Fail
# $if=$set.!=''
{ $Wrt:[s:$set.size]
$dp:"$Ct references ($set.size) EMBL entries !!!"
# HTML display
~ { $In:[ fields t:html ] }
tag? { $Rep:"<I>$Ct</I>" }
~ { $In:[ fields c:acc t:html ] $Out }
htag? tag htag? /[^\n]+/ { $Wrt }
~ { $In:[ fields c:acc t:html ] }
##### modified: from EMBL to GENBANK - Rev. 1.2
# htag? tag htag? /[^\n]+/ { $Rep:{ $ParStr:genbankR $Ct "EMBL_ACC:$Ct" } }
htag? tag htag? /[^\n]+/ { $Rep:$Ct }
# htag? tag htag? /[^\n]+/
#{ $Rep:|<A HREF="http://srs.ebi.ac.uk/\
# |srs6bin/cgi-bin/\
# |wgetz?-e+[embl-AccNumber:$Ct]">$Ct</A>\
##### added plain_pmidXref and h_pmidXref as hyperlink to PMID - Rev. 1.2
# plain_pmidXref:
# ~ { $In:[ fields c:bibl t:html ] $Out }
# (htag? tag htag? (/[a-zA-Z0-9+-.:,;-]+/)+ ('PMID: ' /[0-9]+/ { $Wrt })?)*
# ~
plain_pmidXref: ~ { $In:[ fields c:bibl t:html ] $Out }
mp_bibref ('[PMID' punct number {$Rep:$Hlink:[medlineR p:{$Ct $Ct}]} ']' )?
(dash mp_bibref ('PMID' punct number {$Rep:$Hlink:[medlineR p:{$Ct $Ct}]} )? )*
h_pmidXref: ~ { $In:[fields c:bibl t:html] }
htag? tag htag?
mp_bibref ('[PMID' punct number {$Rep:$Hlink:[medlineR p:{$Ct $Ct}]} ']' )?
(dash mp_bibref ('PMID' punct number {$Rep:$Hlink:[medlineR p:{$Ct $Ct}]} )? )*
#link from complemetary primer to oligoname
h_primer: ~ {$In:[fields c:cprimer t:html]}
htag? tag htag?
/[^,\n]+/ {$Rep:"<A HREF=\"wgetz?-page+EntryPage+-e+[MOLPROBE-OligoName:$Ct]\">$Ct</A>"}
(/[,;]/ /[^,;\n]+/
{$Rep:"<A HREF=\"wgetz?-page+EntryPage+-e+[MOLPROBE-OligoName:$Ct]\">$Ct</A>"})* ~
#link from probes to oligoname
h_probes: ~ {$In:[fields c:probes t:html]}
htag? tag htag?
/[^,\n]+/ {$Rep:"<A HREF=\"wgetz?-page+EntryPage+-e+[MOLPROBE-OligoName:$Ct]\">$Ct</A>"}
(/[,;]/ /[^,;\n]+/
{$Rep:"<A HREF=\"wgetz?-page+EntryPage+-e+[MOLPROBE-OligoName:$Ct]\">$Ct</A>"})* ~
#link from primers to oligoname
h_primers: ~ {$In:[fields c:primers t:html]}
htag? tag htag?
/[^,\n]+/ {$Rep:|<A HREF="wgetz?-page+EntryPage+-e+[MOLPROBE-OligoName:$Ct]">$Ct</A>\
(/[,;]/ /[^,;\n]+/
{$Rep:|<A HREF="wgetz?-page+EntryPage+-e+[MOLPROBE-OligoName:$Ct]">$Ct</A>\
})* ~
#link from targetgene to HSAGENES
h_target: ~ {$In:[fields c:target t:html]}
htag? tag htag?
# /[^,\n]+/ {$Rep:|<A HREF="wgetz?-e+[HSAGENES-ID:$Ct]">$Ct</A>\
/[^,\n]+/ {$Rep:$Ct } ~
# others
htag: ~ /<[^>]+>/ ~
tag: ~ /[^ ][a-zA-Z0-9\/]+:/ ~
# mp_bibref: ~ ( word {$dp:"mp_basic:word:$Ct"} |
# number {$dp:"mp_basic:number:$Ct"} |
# punct {$dp:"mp_basic:punct:$Ct"} |
# dash {$dp:"mp_basic:dash:$Ct"} )+ ~
mp_bibref: ~ ( word | number | punct | dash )+ ~
punct: ~ /[,;\.:]/ ~
word: ~ /[a-zA-Z]+/ ~
number: ~ /[0-9]+/ ~
ln: ~ /[^\n]*\n/ ~
dash: ~ /-/ ~
# debugging
# if:$TestMode {
# $job = $Job:[ prod:$rules skip:' \n'
# fileName:'/srs/data/molprobe'
# ]
# if:$ArgN<2
# $t='entry'
# else
# $t=$Arg:2
# $job.task:[html set:on]
# $while=$job.hasInput
# {
# $job.tokens:[ name:$t
# print:y]
# $job.reset
# $dp:" ----- end of entry ----- "
# }
# }