name |
group |
prompt |
Prompt to be displayed in the launch page.
dataType |
In case input is not of a simple type as in .type, use descriptor.
source |
file |
file selection queries bag |
Description of the input source - this is only applicable for
input types defined by a descriptor (.dataType).
Possible values are as follows:
outFile |
Name of the file to write the input data into, should be unique;
this attribute is only applicable to input types with a defined descriptor (see .dataType).
type |
string |
int bool real submit string reset viewlist chunksize flow jobSerial selectQueryFromHistory selectLibNames |
outFormat |
Name of the format in which option data should be
submitted to the program;
only applicable for input types with a defined
descriptor (.dataType)
displayFullLimit |
100 |
The maximum number of values (e.g., sequences) that will
be shown in full.
displayLimit |
500 |
The maximum number of values (e.g, sequences)
that will be shown for selection.
includeDbInName |
n |
y n |
Defines if databank name should be included in option
value (e.g., sequence).
guiType |
input |
input checkbox multi radio menu dataInput uploadFile mselect no_input |
rows |
Length of text input fields. |
cols |
Number of rows of text input fields. |
pos |
left |
next left leftw right center |
Position of the option within the query form.
enumValues |
y n |
Indicates if the list in "values" contains
an enumeration that is to be checked.
values |

List of option values.
defStr |
defInt |
minClosed |
1 |
Minimum possible value for the application option.
maxClosed |
1 |
Maximum possible value for the application option.
comment |
Information about the application option.
cardinality |
0 |
The number of values that can be assigned to an
option. For example, 0: unspecified, 1: exactly 1, 2:
exactly 2, -1: 1 and more, -2: 2 and more.
mandatory |
true |
no yes false true |
Specifies whether the option is optional or mandatory;
'no' is 0, 'yes' is 1.
caption |
Caption of the GUI element for the parameter.
label |
GUI label for the parameter.
active |
true |
false true |
GUI element for the option is active or not.
visible |
true |
false true |
GUI element for the option is visible or not.
toolTip |
Short description of the parameter.
guiGroup |
1 |
GUI group of the parameter.
guiOrder |
1 |
GUI order of the parameter, to be used in ordering
the parameters in GUIs.
validInputPresent |
false |
true false |
Valid input present or not.
expertLevel |
basic |
Indicates expert level of the option, basic or advanced.
pattern |
Valid pattern for the input.
jsRel |
Name of the option to give to the javascript and put a positive link between us.
jsDef |
Name of the option to give to the javascript and set his value with a default value.
jsNeg |
Name of the option to give to the javascript and put a negative link between us.
jsForm |
Formula to give to the javascript to calculate the default value.
isEmboss |
false |
no yes false true |
Specifies if the program is an Emboss program;
'no' is 0, 'yes' is 1.
defReal |
minVal |
-9.009009e+08 |
Minimum possible value for the application option.
maxVal |
900900900.000000 |
Maximum possible value for the application option.
event |
