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Somatic Mutations Prognostic Value data set (Rel. 14)

Status The current release has 169 entries and was indexed 10-Feb-2010.

This is the Mutations Prognostic Value data set of the IARC TP53 Mutation Database (Rel. 14)

A "Prognosis" information unit has been added to the Somatic Mutation Database since the R7 release. This feature consists in a table that includes information on all studies that have analyzed the relationship between p53 mutations and cancer prognosis. For each study, the patient cohort, study settings and a summary of the results are described. When the same research team published several papers with increasing number of paptients, the most recent paper with the largest dataset is used.
Many of these studies do not provide detailed information on each mutation detected but rather report their results in the form of summary tables. Such publications have been included in the prognosis table, without mutation data attached (these references will not appear in the Somatic file or in the online search). For some of them, the mutations have been published in a previous paper and can be retrieved with the Cross_Ref_ID.

WWW http://www-p53.iarc.fr/index.html
International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) TP53 database,
150 Cours Albert Thomas,,
69372 Lyon CEDEX 08, France.

Phone: +33 (0)4 72 73 84 85
Fax : +33 (0)4 72 73 85 75

Data-fields in SRS
Field Name
Short Name
No. of Keys
No. of Entry References
Indexing Date
Unique ID within this db prg id 169 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Bibliographic reference ID within this db rei index 168 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Site of the tumor defined by organ top index 24 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Abbreviated topography sht index 25 337 10-Feb-2010 ok
Morphology and/or histologic type of tumor mor index 30 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Patient population group pop index 13 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Country in which the patient was living cnt index 29 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
PubMed reference number pen index 165 166 10-Feb-2010 ok
Ref_id of a reference containing related data crr index 53 58 10-Feb-2010 ok
Title of the publication tit index 678 2945 10-Feb-2010 ok
Authors of the publication ath index 1545 3082 10-Feb-2010 ok
Year of the publication yea num 15 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Journal of the publication jou index 82 458 10-Feb-2010 ok
Volume number vol index 93 167 10-Feb-2010 ok
First page of the publication str index 160 164 10-Feb-2010 ok
Type of material used to screen the mutation stm index 2 172 10-Feb-2010 ok
Prescreening method used to detect the mutations pre index 13 184 10-Feb-2010 ok
Screening on exon number 2 ex2 index 2 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Screening on exon number 3 ex3 index 2 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Screening on exon number 4 ex4 index 2 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Screening on exon number 5 ex5 index 2 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Screening on exon number 6 ex6 index 2 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Screening on exon number 7 ex7 index 2 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Screening on exon number 8 ex8 index 2 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Screening on exon number 9 ex9 index 2 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Screening on exon number 10 ex10 index 2 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Screening on exon number 11 ex11 index 2 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Hospitals where the patients have been recruited ist index 347 832 10-Feb-2010 ok
Period during which the patients have been recruited per num 27 122 10-Feb-2010 ok
ICD-O or SNOMED code for morphology icr index 252 723 10-Feb-2010 ok
Treatment protocol used for most of the patients tre index 88 385 10-Feb-2010 ok
Median follow-up time of the patients in month mef num 61 85 10-Feb-2010 ok
Range follow-up time of the patients in month raf num 95 257 10-Feb-2010 ok
Number of patients/tumors analyzed for TP53 mutations coh num 115 169 10-Feb-2010 ok
Number of patients/tumors with a mutation in TP53 pmu num 76 168 10-Feb-2010 ok
Proportion of mutated tumors (%) pcm num 62 168 10-Feb-2010 ok
Clinical parameter analyzed pan index 3 199 10-Feb-2010 ok
Association with the presence of a TP53 mutation ass index 7 507 10-Feb-2010 ok
Main finding results res index 1526 11551 10-Feb-2010 ok
Any relevant comment com index 86 183 10-Feb-2010 ok
AllText all group 0 0   not indexed
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Indexing Date
TP53_PROGNOSIS 116 TP53_SOMATIC_REF 115 116 25-Feb-2010
SRS Description Structure ( srsgen.i , srsdb.i , href.i )
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