1. Menconi G, Conti V, Puliti A, Sbrana I, Marangoni R A linguistic approach towards the functional characterization of intragenic non-exon sequences Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009 Full text in a new tab Topic: Novel methods and algorithms |
2. Avogadri R, Valentini G, Bertoni A An integrated algorithmic procedure for the assessment and discovery of clusters in DNA microarray data Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009 Full text in a new tab Topic: Novel methods and algorithms |
3. Albiero A, Vitulo N, Forcato C, Campagna D, Caniato E, Bilardi A, Schiavon R, D'Angelo M, Zimbello R, Valle G Bioinformatic analisys of SOLiD transcriptome data Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009 Full text in a new tab Topic: Novel methods and algorithms |
4. Del Fabbro C, Morgante M, Policriti P FAST: Fast Alignments for Short Tags Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009 Full text in a new tab Topic: Novel methods and algorithms |
5. Cesa-Bianchi N, Valentini G Genome-wide hierarchical classification of gene function Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009 Full text in a new tab Topic: Novel methods and algorithms |
6. Torrens F, Castellano G In-Silico Drug Design and the Molecular Classification of Local Anaesthetics Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009 Full text in a new tab Topic: Novel methods and algorithms |
7. Morganella S, Ceccarelli M, Zoppoli P IRIS: A Probabilistic Approach to Infer Regulatory Relations in Gene Networks Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009 Full text in a new tab Topic: Novel methods and algorithms |
8. Piastra M, Spallarossa A, Baracchi S, Di Bernardo D, Rosano C LVOS-DISTEVOL: a distributed, evolutionary computing system for ligand virtual optimization and screening Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009 Full text in a new tab Topic: Novel methods and algorithms |
9. Cassandra R, Lauria M NILARS: an efficient algorithm based on linear regression for inferring gene networks Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009 Full text in a new tab Topic: Novel methods and algorithms |
10. Viti F, Scaglione S, Merelli I, Beltrame F, Milanesi L TMA-Oriented Tool for Automatic Indentification of Pathological Areas in Human Colon Tissues Meeting: BITS 2009 - Year: 2009 Full text in a new tab Topic: Novel methods and algorithms |