1. D'Elia D, Leo P, Scioscia G, Lopriore P, Delle Foglie G, Licciulli F, Millot M, Weighardt F, Bonfini L, Lorberth R, Heinze P, Van den Eede G, Attimonelli M, Buhk H-J The GMOs Molecular Register: an Integrated Bioinformatic System to support detection/quantification of GMOs Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003 Full text in a new tab Topic: Databases: ontologies and integration |
2. The ELM Consortium Eukaryotic linear motifs in the ELM web tool Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003 Full text in a new tab Topic: Databases: ontologies and integration |
3. Montecchi-Palazzi L, Cabibbo A, Zanzoni A, Helmer-Citterich M, Cesareni G MINT a Molecular INTeraction database Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003 Full text in a new tab Topic: Databases: ontologies and integration |
4. Mucci A, Cusmano A, De Francisci M, Manniello MA, Marra D, Romano P, Mauri G Integration of data from different sources: a prototype devoted to p53 mutations Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003 Full text in a new tab Topic: Databases: ontologies and integration |
5. Specchio R, Caprera A, Hatton J, Milanesi L GeneGrid: a workflow system for sequences analysis Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003 Full text in a new tab Topic: Databases: ontologies and integration |
6. Vitulo N, Cestaro A, Vezzi A, D'Angelo M, Simonato F, Malacrida G, Campanaro S, Valle G Annotation of Photobacterium profundum genome Meeting: BIOCOMP 2003 - Year: 2003 Full text in a new tab Topic: Databases: ontologies and integration |