BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

Display Abstracts | Brief :: Order by Meeting | First Author Name
1. Boccia A, Elce A, Tomaiuolo R, Castaldo G, Paolella G
CST analysis in the characterization of cystic fibrosis patients
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Biomedical informatics
2. Bosotti R, Ukmar G, Calogero RA, Isacchi A
Gene Expression database as a tool to identify potentially interesting Oncological Targets
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Biomedical informatics
3. Capasso P, D'Acierno A, Picariello A
BioInView: a Tool for Integration and Visualization of Heterogeneous Bioinformatics Data Sources
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Biomedical informatics
4. Caterino M, OrrĂ¹ S, Aspesi A, Armiraglio M, Loreni F, Santoro C, Dianzani I, Ruoppolo M
Analysis of Rps19 protein and Rps19 missense mutant proteins interactome
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Biomedical informatics
5. Giuliani S, Rossi S, D'Ascia S, Rossi E, Emerson A, Fiameni G, Tagliavini L, Frangiamone G, Volinia S
Microarray data infrastructure using Gebbalab based on Alfresco technology
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Biomedical informatics
6. Kremer A, Gonzalez Couto E, Gotta S, Heitz F, Magnoni L, Matteoni S, Raggiaschi R, Terstappen GC
Huntington's Disease: From Experimental Results to Interaction Networks, Patho-Pathway Construction and Disease Hypothesis
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Biomedical informatics
7. Milani G, Larizza C, Buetti I, Nuzzo A, Sala C, Toniolo D, Bellazzi R
Automatic pedigree reconstruction for genetic studies in isolated populations
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Biomedical informatics
8. Nuzzo A, Segagni D, Milani G, Larizza C, Bellazzi R
Phenotype Miner: an integrated IT system for supporting genetic studies
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Biomedical informatics
9. Sala A, Bergamaschi S
CEREALAB database: data integration with the MOMIS System
Meeting: BITS 2007 - Year: 2007
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Topic: Biomedical informatics

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