BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

1. Masseroli M, Galati O, Gibert K, Pinciroli F
Inherited disorder dynamic annotation and statistical analysis for biomedical knowledge mining from high-throughput gene lists
Meeting: BITS 2005 - Year: 2005
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Topic: Database annotation and data mining

Abstract: Analysis of inherited diseases and their associated phenotypes is of great importance to gain insight into the underlying genetic interactions and could ultimately give clinically useful insights into disease processes, including complex diseases influenced by multiple genetic loci. Nevertheless, to date few computational contributions have been proposed for this purpose mainly due to lack of controlled clinical information easily accessible and structured for computational genome-wise analyses. To enable performing comprehensive evaluations of gene annotations sparsely available in numerous different databanks accessible via Internet, we previously developed GFINDer, a Web server that dynamically aggregates functional annotations of user uploaded gene lists and allows performing their statistical analysis and mining ( Exploiting and structuring information present in textual form in the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM) databank, we developed and made available within GFINDer new original modules specifically devoted to the analysis of inherited disorder related genes. They allow annotating large numbers of user classified biomolecular sequence identifiers with morbidity and clinical information, classifying them according to genetic disease and phenotypic location categories, and statistically analyzing the obtained classifications.

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