BITS Meetings' Virtual Library:
Abstracts from Italian Bioinformatics Meetings from 1999 to 2013

766 abstracts overall from 11 distinct proceedings

1. Leo P, Marinelli C, Pappadà G, Scioscia G, Zanchetta L
BioWBI: an Integrated Tool for building and executing Bioinformatic Analysis Workflows
Meeting: BITS 2004 - Year: 2004
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Topic: Computer algorithms and applications

Abstract: Building integrated bioinformatic platforms is one of the most challenging tasks which Bioinformatics community is dealing with in recent years [1-2]. Facing this task, a number of specific problems arises connected to data integration, integration of specialized tools and algorithms. The solution described in this paper goes in the direction to solve this challenge. It is characterized by two original assumptions: 1) a quite sharp division between the data realm of a bioinformatics analysis and its components in terms of algorithms and processes, 2) the conception of a rigorous algebra that allows researchers to formalize their analyses in terms of atomic process workflows. As a result of this approach two bioinformatics web tools, BioWBI and WEE, have been designed and prototyped by our group to provide researchers with a virtual collaborative workspace in which defining their data-sources, drawing graphically as well as executing analysis workflows. These tools constitute the basic components of a much more general bioinformatic e-workplace.

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