** Workflow Repository Manager installing instructions ** (Chiara Rasi, chiara.rasi@istge.it, 04/04/2007) Biowep Repository Manager is a tool aiming to provide a user-friendly tool to manage workflow files and data stored in biowep database. Download it (http://bioinformatics.istge.it/biowep/download/biowep.admin.1.0.rar) if you are biowep administrator and you have an installed and working version of biowep on your server. Installation: 1) Just untar downloaded file into biowep directory on server (usually you can find it under TOMCAT-HOME/webapps/). 2) Before running administration pages add an administrator user to biowep database: run as MySQL administrator: INSERT INTO 'users` VALUES ('admin','admin','','',3,NULL,NULL); 3) Since there's not direct link from biowep portal, enter the administration area by typing on you browser http://path_to_biowep/biowep/admin/admin.jsp 4) The first time you'll enter administration area you will be asked to login as "admin" user; admin password is "admin", but after login you'll have to provide a new password for the portal administrator. ***************************************************************